

We supply all types and sizes of garden sheds be they of timber, metal, plastic or concrete construction

Sheds range from 4ft by 4ft (ideal for tool storage) up to much larger sizes suitable for use as a workshop

We can clear and prepare an area and establish a firm foundation suitable for your new shed. The bases we lay range from basic paving slabbed areas to the more substantial concrete bases - which are advisable for larger sheds and where the chosen site is in an area of softer ground.


Where applicable, we would also employ raised decking in cases where there was sloping ground. This eliminates any stresses on the framework, and ensures that for instance the door and any opening windows continue to operate and close properly without sticking or other hindrance caused as a direct result of distortion of the opening.




We are happy to just supply the sheds if that would best suit your plans. We are often requested to refelt a shed roof and apply suitable treatment to the walls in order to protect them from the ravages of our unpredicatable weather conditions. Before commencing such work we would always give you an honest assessment as to the state of the shed and point out to you any dubious areas which might not benefit from being treated, potentially saving you uneccessary expense where an alternative remedy might be best employed.


"A shed is only as good as the base it stands on"

We would never recommend that a shed sit directly on soil, however well the ground appears to be compacted



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